Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Examining Context-Average Joes

Examining Context

  1. Identify details from the story that show/explain the following aspects of the social/historical context: (1) politics, (2) traditions,(3) foods, (4) values/beliefs, (5) other (add a fifth category of your own). 1.)The story talks about the Iranian Revolution and that when her family members moved to America after it happened they were not met with the same kindness as before. 2.)She says that when Halloween came around a family gave her a costume to wear during the Halloween parade. 3.)She talks about the Caspian Sea where the “famous caviar comes from” also known as fish eggs. 4.)Some beliefs that Americans had on Iran was that is was a giant desert and people there didn’t have electricity and rode camels. 5.)When Dumas’ family came to America they were treated with kindness as people didn’t know much about them but after the Iranian Revolution more people knew about Iran and in a negative way and they had prejudice towards them.

  1. For each category, include a quote or detail from the text that demonstrates what you are   talking about. 1.) “They saw Americans who had bumper stickers on their cars that said, “Iranians go home” or “we play cowboys and Iranians.  2.) On Halloween, one family brought over a costume, knowing that I would surely be the only kid in the Halloween parade without one.” 3.)  “Most people in Whittier did not know about the famous caviar, and once we explained what it was, they’d scrunch up their faces. 4.)”We were also asked about electricity, tents, and the Sahara. Once again, we disappointed, admitting that we had electricity, that we did, that we did not own a tent, and that the Sahara was on another continent.”  5.)  “We remember the kindness more than ever”
  2. Then discuss and write about how Dumas uses each detail to support an insight about America, American identity, and/or what it means to be an American immigrant.

Dumas claimed that being an American immigrant, the first few years. Yet the american kids were curious as they thought they didn’t have cars in Iran so they asked Dumas about camels. The kids also thought Iranians were poor living in tents without electricity. Some american children were naive and asked how to say some bad things in Iranian, Dumas had them say “I am an idiot!”. Around the end before they left to go to Iran for a couple years the Americans treated Dumas and her family with great kindness.

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