Thursday, September 29, 2016

Authors Style: Word Choice- The Average Joes

Author’s Style: Word Choice
Background: Both poems and prose are enhanced by the use of sound devices, such as alliteration, assonance, and consonance. The use of sound devices may emphasize meaning, create a particular mood or express tone.

Task 1: For each of the following words, find a definition and write an example:
  • Alliteration- It is the recurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Big Black Beetles bleed black blood.  
  • Assonance- repetition of a sound of a vowel.  In poetry, no one knows what you will write, only you know.  
  • Consonance-an agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions
  • Mood-a temporary state of mind or feeling
  • Tone-the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.

Task 2: Find an example of assonance, alliteration, and consonance in “Writing on the Wall.” Then, explain how that sound device enhances the meaning and/or the tone in the text.
consonance-”Even Su Wu was detained among the barbarians,” because there is an agreement that Su Wu is considered a barbarian type personJewish immigration to the Land ...
Alliteration- “ calm, to communicate, to commiserate, and to conserve.” It enhances the meaning of the text as she was talking about how we are conserving the poems and this gives you a better connection with the poems.   

Assonance- “:to calm, to communicate, to commiserate, to conserve”  This adds to the meaning of, the power of poetry.  
Image result for power of poetry
*include an image that is related to your ideas somehow.

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