Thursday, September 22, 2016

Rules of the Game: Vocabulary-The Average Joes

Rules of the Game: Vocabulary
Remember, you are responsible for formatting your post so that it is visually appealing. DO NOT simply type all of this information into a document as one paragraph or random sentences. Sort information. Use titles, bullet points, bold, etc.

Task 1: Vocabulary words: For each of the following vocabulary words, (1) find a definition (that you understand), (2) use the word in a sentence, and (3) find an image that will help you remember the definition.
  • Deftly-To be nimble or quick;
“They deftly sewed with their hands.”

  • Relented: To become less severe or intense
“The mom relented on her punishment and changed it from no phone and tv to just no phone.”

  • Plotted- To create a plan.   “They plotted to take over the world” ... Post-War New World Map.

  • Concessions-a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands. “The enemy planted a white flag as a sign of surrender.”
File:White Flag.jpg
Task 2: Word Study:
  • Define connotation and denotation.
  • Read the text and pick out three words that have a strong connotation:
    • Describe their connotation
    • decide if it is negative or positive
    • Explain why the author may have chosen to use that word. How does the connotation enhance her purpose?
Connotation- an idea or meaning that invokes a word to have primary/literal meaning.
Denotation-The literal/primary meaning of the word that contrast to the feelings or idea.
Example: Waverly is described as plotting out her games. The word plotting has overtones of a dark conspiracy. Its connotation is more negative, versus the word planning, which is more neutral. By choosing the word plotting, the author is suggesting that Waverly has some malicious intent when she prepares for her games.

  • Imparted-to make known, positive or negative, It’s a better way to say things like instead of using the word “told”
  • Deftly-skillful;clever, Positive, To describe certain attributes of a character
Advance-”far on or ahead in development or progress.”, positive or negative, it’s better than saying “started to go back…”

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